Copyright © Mind Quest Investigations All Rights Reserved

MQI Paranormal Investigators seek truth and understanding about the Paranormal World.

Paranormal Society and Ghost Investigations

​Fear is a Lack of Understanding.

          Investigation Discovers Truth.

c GK / MQI

Truth Brings Forth Understanding.

Greg or Collin will be on all of our Mind Quest Investigations.


If you believe your Home is Haunted or you have Spirit Visitors from time to time, Contact us at MQI. Our Investigative Report may reveal what is happening in your home.


If your Business is experiencing Paranormal Activity, Contact us at MQI.  Our Investigative Report may calm the fears of your employees so your Business can be More Productive & Worry Free.

Committed to Educating the Public. MQI offers Presentations for those who are interested in learning more about the Paranormal World and How it Affects Our Daily Lives.


If you feel there is a Spiritual Entity attached to you or a family member, Contact us at MQI.  We may be able to help you have a better understanding of your situation.